In order to access this server you must log-in.
Why? Because we want to be able to control who has access to these facilities in order to provide the best service possible
(nobody likes their pChat canvas cleared by some joker who just joins for a split second, that's why)
If you do not have an account, please sign up for one.
You agree that you will behave nicely and in a decent, humanly AND mature manner. You will not obstruct other users while using this facility.
You agree to use English language to communicate and converse with other users of this facility, it being official language on this network.
You agree that drawings/paintings you create will not depict hate, racial or sexual discrimination, or any other inappropriate topic/subject.
You could be banned from this server at any time because of the violation or the above agreement; for obstruction or inconsideration and
non-tolerance towards other users; or abuse of this facility...
3DLuVr cannot and will not be held responsible for the contents of the PaintChat sessions.
Sample images by: Ruben L. Tavares and Giovanni Nakpil
� 1997-2025 3DLuVrTM (Three Dee Lover)
Best viewed in 1024x768 or higher,
using any modern CSS compliant browser.